Onze ambitie:
in 2050 is Flevoland CO₂-neutraal


netcongestie, subsidie
20 februari
Uitnodiging: Ontbijtsessie ‘duurzame energie zonder netcongestie’
14 februari
Volop kansen om scholen te verduurzamen
08 februari
Kenniscafé over samenwerken aan de energietransitie (deel 2)

Expeditie Flevoland wil samen met jou Flevoland bewust(er) maken van de energietransitie. We zijn gestart met een klein kernteam van impactmakers. Mensen die op een slimme manier de communicatie, kennis en samenwerkingsverbanden rondom duurzame initiatieven versterken. Zo helpen we de energietransitie richting een duurzame manier van samenleven.


25 mei 2023
FEA Kenniscafé – Over het saneren en hergebruiken van windmolens
13 apr 2024
FEA Kenniscafé – Over bedrijven helpen bij netcongestie


Expeditie Flevoland wants to work with you to make Flevoland more aware of the energy transition. We started with a small core team of impact makers. People who strengthen communication, knowledge and partnerships around sustainable initiatives in a smart way. In this way we help to accelerate the energy transition towards a sustainable way of living together.

Are you participating? Contact us at info@expeditieflevoland.nl

Actuele projecten per regio


3 projecten


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Expeditie Flevoland wants to work with you to make Flevoland more aware of the energy transition. We started with a small core team of impact makers. People who strengthen communication, knowledge and partnerships around sustainable initiatives in a smart way. In this way we help to accelerate the energy transition towards a sustainable way of living together.

Onze partners

You may go faster alone, but together you will go further! All partners in the Flevoland Energy Agenda are working on the energy transition in their own way. They do this at their own pace and with different priorities. The Energy Agenda therefore does not replace local initiatives. For many projects, the strength lies in the local approach. Because: local where local is possible, regional where it has added value. That added value can be:

  • to learn from each other
  • coordinate and support
  • utilizing economies of scale
  • use area characteristics