Uitnodiging: Ontbijtsessie ‘duurzame energie zonder netcongestie’

Publicatiedatum: 20 februari 2024

Ontbijtsessie 'duurzame energie zonder netcongestie' 20-03-2024 |Provinciehuis Lelystad| 08:30 - 10:00 uur

Dear partners and organizations in Flevoland,

We would like to invite you to take note of the ‘sustainable energy without grid congestion’ subsidy and explain what the subsidy will broadly look like. We want to do this during a meeting including breakfast on Wednesday, March 20 in the provincial government building in Lelystad. Check-in starts at 8:30 AM and the program starts at 9:00 AM. Deputy Harold Hofstra will provide the opening.

If you want to come, you can register in advance via the button below. You will receive the morning’s program from us later.

You can sign up here

Background information
Due to the problem of grid congestion on the electricity grid, there is an urgent need for new solutions, for example energy sharing, battery storage, conversion, etc. New generation through solar and wind are also blocked by the grid congestion. Sufficient availability of electricity is a must for the expansion of companies and the construction and sustainability of homes. For example, there are initiatives for energy hubs and the balance district in Almere that are looking for solutions.

The province of Flevoland intends to set up a subsidy scheme that can support companies, social organizations and municipalities in drawing up and implementing plans for solutions to grid congestion. During this session there is room for substantive questions and input, so that we can include this in the final proposal to the Provincial Council.



Expert team Energy
Province of Flevoland

netcongestie, subsidie